The Route
The Los Angeles Aqueduct bike route was created to reimagine this historic waterway as more than just a path—it’s a journey. A journey that connects communities, honors the stories of the Native peoples of the Owens Valley, and invites you to quest for something deeper as you ride. This route is about more than bikepacking; it’s about reflection, connecting to water, and a quest to reimagine the harmony between people and the land.
The Route is currently still under construction. We are ENGAGING with local land managers to get access to a small section of the route. If you would like to stay informed on the completion of the route, please click below.
The Los Angeles Aqueduct Bike Route exists to provide people an opportunity to ride their bikes on the journey that their water takes to get to their tap. This route alongside the Los Angeles Aqueduct gives people the ability to travel the roads that William Mullholand and thousands of Aqueduct workers did over 100 years ago.
The History
Concieved of and built in the late 1800’s by William Mullholand, the Los Angeles Aqueduct is a gravity powered artificial river that supplied water to the residents of a rapidly growing Los Angeles in the early 1900’s. The Aqueduct is considered the 12th wonder of the world and was a key part of the City of Los Angele’s success. This isn’t without
Route Report
This route was created by Trent Siggard and scouted from 2021-2023. The route was first completed by Trent Siggard and Dan Hurd in February 2024. We are working on an official route report that will help give you the resources you need to ride this route safely, efficiently, and effectively. To stay up to date with the route, consider joining our email list below.